26. In the graphite carbon atoms are _______________.
27. Graphite is good conductor of _____________ and insoluble in any solvent.
28. The density of graphite is __________.
29. In graphite the carbon atoms are in ________________.
30. The distance between the two carbon atoms ina graphite is ________.
31. In graphite, the distance between the two carbon atoms is __________ and its bond angle _________.
32. The buckminsterfullerene was discovered in 1985 by a team of scientists, ___________________________________ from Rice University and they awarded the 1996 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
33. They are named so for the resemblance of their structure to the geodesic structures devised by the scientist and architect Richard Buckminster “_____________.
34. Spherical fullerenes are also called ___________.
35. Fullerene, 60C molecule contains ____________ and ____________ faces on its soccer ball shape, and each carbon atom has sp2 hybridized orbitals.
36. Nanotubes are another allotropic form of carbon discovered in 1991 by _____________.
37. ___________ is extracted from graphite, the material used in pencils.
38. For a thickness of 1mm graphite contains some 3 million layers of ___________.
39. Graphene conducts ____________ better than copper.
40. Grapheneis _________ times strongerthan steel but six times lighter. It is almost perfectly transparent to light.
41. ________________ named the compounds that derived from living organism as organic compounds and those from non-living materials as inorganic compounds.
42. F. Wohler (1828) produced an organic compound Urea in the laboratory by heating an inorganic salt ________________.
43. Chemical formula of Ammonium cyanate is __________.
44. The chemiclal formula of urea is ____________.
45. An atom of same element join to form a long chain is known as ___________.
46. Open chain hydrocarbonsare also called ___________________ or _________________.
47. All hydrocarbons (both Aliphatic and cyclic hydrocarbons) are again classified as ___________________.
48. Hydrocarbons containing only single bonds between carbon atoms are called Alkanes.
49. Hydrocarbons containing at least one double bond between carbon atoms are called _____________.
50. Hydrocarbons containing at least one triple between carbon atoms are called __________.
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