3. Production and Employment
1. Into howmany sectors the economy is divided? __________.
2. The three sectors of the economy ___________.
3. Agriculture sector is also known as ____________
4. Agriculture, fishing, forestry and mining include in the ________ sector.
5. Nature play a dominant role in the production process of ________
6. Production of a commodity, mostly through the natural proces, is an activity in ________ sector.
7. Flower cultivator, fisher man, gardenar, bee-keeper belong to ______ sector.
8. Industrial sector is also known as __________.
9. All manufacturing processes of goods and services is known as ______
10. Basket maker, workers in factories belonged to ________ Sector.
11. Goods are not directly produced in this sector __________.
12. Service sector is also known as ____________.
13. Tailor, milk vendor, priest, courier, money lender, call centre employee comes under ___________ sector.
14. The percentage of workers in agriculture sector during 1972-73 _____.
15. The percentage of workers in agriculture sector during 2009-10 ________.
16. The total value of all final goods and services in a year is called __________.
17. GDP means ______________
18. The technical term used to denote the total value of goods and services produced in a country is ________.
19. GDP is the toatl value of ___________ produced during a particular year.
20. Which was the largest producing sector in 1972-73? ________.
Very nice
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