TRT TET DSC CTET English Grammar Online Mock Test Free Questions with Answers and Explanations

TRT TET DSC CTET English Grammar Online Mock Test Free Questions with Answers and Explanations also useful For All Competitive Exams.

General English

Test your English language ability with our free online English language Mock test. General English Test for competitive examination, entrance examination, school, college and campus interview. Take various tests and find out how much you score. Learn and Practice online test for Free and Prepare for your exam online with many free tests here. knowledge of Usage, Vocabulary, Grammar, Comprehension and other language skills will
be asked for in the Objective Format. This General English Test can help to crack all major competitive exams like SSC CGL, SSC CHSL, CAT, MAT, CDS, NDA, PSC, LIC, Banks po, clerk, Railways, upsc civils, constable, si, group-1-2-3-4,LIC, RBI etc.

Topics, Syllabus of General English For Competitive For all competitive exams: TRT TET DSC
The English section is considered to be the most important and scoring section. Moreover, answering questions in the general English section takes less time when compared to other sections of competitive exams.
General English questions and answers are designed in the examination to test candidates knowledge and understanding of basic grammar, vocabulary and important rules of the English language.

Part – III: CONTENT (Marks: 44)
I. Language Element
i) Elements of Phonetics
ii) Idioms
iii) Writing Skills – Curriculum Vitae, Information transfer, Letter Writing
iv) Study Skills – Note-making, Note-taking
v) Reference Skills
vi) Vocabulary vii) Punctuation
vii) Grammar (Parts of Speech, Tenses, Types of Sentences, Articles and Prepositions, Degrees of Comparison, Direct Speech and Indirect Speech, Clauses Voice – Active and Passive Voice).

II. Literature
1. Comprehension of
i) Literary Prose Passage and
ii) A Poem
2. Study of Literary Forms
i) Poetry – Sonnet, Ode, Elegy, Ballad, Lyric, Dramatic Monologue
ii) Prose – (a) Drama (Structure, Characters, Dialogues, Soliloquy, Tragedy, Comedy, Tragic- Comedy)
(b) Fiction (Point of view, Setting / Atmosphere, Style, Technique of Narration)
3. For a detailed and critical study

Active And Passive Voice
One Word Substitutions
Synonyms and Antonyms
Idioms And Phrases
Spotting the Error
Reading Comprehension
Letter Writing Format
Precis Writing
Sentence Correction Questions
Adjective Degree Of Comparison
Direct & Indirect Speech
Sentence Rearrangement & Para jumbles
Subject-Verb Agreement.
Para Jumbles.
Fill in the Blanks.
Reading Comprehension.
Sentence Corrections.
Error Spotting/Phrase Replacement.
Phrase Replacement.
Cloze Test.
Missing Verbs.
Word Formations.
Sentence Rearrangement.
Idioms & Phrases.

Leaderboard: General English

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