TSPSC Group 2 Paper 3 ECONOMY AND DEVELOPMENT Online Mock Test Free

TSPSC Group 2 Paper 3 ECONOMY AND DEVELOPMENT Online Mock Test Free.

Group 2 Paper 3 ECONOMY AND DEVELOPMENT in Telugu


I. Indian Economy: Issues and Challenges

1. Demography: Demographic Features of Indian Population – Size and Growth Rate of Population – Demographic Dividend – Sectoral Distribution of Population – Population Policies of India
2. National Income: Concepts & Components of National Income – Measurement Methods – National Income Estimates in India and its Trends – Sectoral Contribution – Per Capita Income
3. Primary and Secondary Sectors: Agriculture and Allied Sectors – Contribution to National Income – Cropping Pattern – Agricultural Production and Productivity – Green Revelation – Irrigation – Agricultural Finance and Marketing – Agricultural Pricing – Agricultural Subsidies and Food Security – Agricultural Labour – Growth and Performance of Allied Sectors
4. Industry and Services Sectors: Growth and Structure of Industry in India – Contribution to National Income –Industrial Policies – Large Scale Industries – MSMEs – Industrial Finance – Contribution of Services Sector to National Income – Importance of Services Sector – Sub Sectors of Services – Economic Infrastructure – India’s Foreign Trade
5. Planning, NITI Aayog and Public Finance: Objectives of India’s Five Year Plans – Targets, Achievements and Failures of Five Year Plans – NITI Aayog – Budget in India – Concepts of Budget Deficits – FRBM – Recent Union Budgets – Public Revenue, Public Expenditure and Public Debt – Finance Commissions

II. Economy and Development of Telangana

1. Structure and Growth of Telangana Economy: Telangana Economy in Undivided Andhra Pradesh (1956-2014) – State Finances ( Dhar Commission, Wanchu Committee, Lalit Committee, Bhargava Committee) – Land Reforms – Growth and Development of Telangana Economy Since 2014 – Sectoral Contribution to State Income – Per Capita Income
2. Demography and HRD: Size and Growth Rate of Population – Demographic Features of Telangana Economy – Age Structure of Population – Demographic Dividend.
3. Agriculture and Allied Sectors: Importance of Agriculture – Trends in Growth Rate of Agriculture – Contribution of Agriculture and Allied Sectors to GSDP/GSVA – Land Use and Land Holdings Pattern – Cropping Pattern – Irrigation – Growth and Development of Allied Sectors – Agricultural Policies and Programmes
4. Industry and Service Sectors: Structure and Growth of Industry – Contribution of Industry to GSDP/GSVA – MSME – Industrial Policies – Components, Structure and Growth of Services Sector – Its Contribution to GSDP/GSVA – Social and Economic Infrastructure
5. State Finances, Budget and Welfare Policies: State Revenue, Expenditure and Debt – State Budgets – Welfare Policies of the State

III. Issues of Development and Change

1. Growth and Development: Concepts of Growth and Development – Characteristics of Development and Underdevelopment – Measurement of Economic Growth and Development – Human Development – Human Development Indices – Human Development Reports
2. Social Development: Social Infrastructure – Health and Education – Social Sector – Social Inequalities – Caste – Gender – Religion – Social Transformation – Social Security
3. Poverty and Unemployment: Concepts of Poverty – Measurement of Poverty – Income Inequalities – Concepts of Unemployment – Poverty, Unemployment and Welfare Programmes
4. Regional Inequalities: Urbanization – Migration – Land Acquisition – Resettlement and Rehabilitation
5. Environment and Sustainable Development: Concepts of Environment – Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development – Types of Pollution – Pollution Control – Effects of Environment – Environmental Policies of India

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