71. Identify the Payment Major head of Account of State Legislature (M.L.A. Salaries).
(1) M.H. 2070
(2) M.H. 2015
(3) M.H. 2014
(4) M.H. 2011
72. Identify the detailed & sub detailed head for Tools and plant.
(1) 520/524
(2) 520/522
(3) 520/523
(4) 520/521
73. Identify the detailed & sub detailed head for other Grants-in Aid.
(1) 310/314
(2) 310/313
(3) 310/312
(4) 310/311
74. Identify the Receipt Major head of account of E.W.F.
(1) MH 8121
(2) MH 8342
(3) MH 8222
(4) MH 8115
75. The Comptroller and Auditor General shall perform such duties and exercise such powers in relation to the accounts of the Union and of the States under Article:
(1) 150
(2) 149
(3) 151
(4) 148