26. The definition of Bank defined under Article Point out.
(1) 8
(2) 2
(3) 5
(4) 6
27. The Counter Signing Authority should communicate to the disburser the items if any disallowed with amount in the monthly Contingent Bills under Article:
(1) 112
(2) 113
(3) 114
(4) 110
28. Service Postage stamps should be used only for prepaying postage on Communications which are bonafied on the service of Govt. under Article:
(1) 120
(2) 119
(3) 118
(4) 130
29. The Pay & allowances due to a Govt. servant whose where abouts are unknown should be paid as per procedure laid down under Article.
(1) 84
(2) 82
(3) 81
(4) 80
30. When a tender is accepted for the supply of stores the successful tender should be required to execute an agreement in regard to the supply but long term contracts should be avoided under Article
(1) 138
(2) 130
(3) 129
(4) 128