APPSC TSPSC AP-TS Departmental Test EOT 141 May 2014 Previous Year paper with Key and Complete Analysis

31. Security to be taken from Contractors under Article
(1) 139
(2) 128
(3) 129
(4) 122

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(3) 129

32. The Govt. may sanction the interest bearing advances to their servants in accordance with the rules (Articles) mentioned under Article
(1) 232
(2) 235
(3) 227
(4) 226

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(4) 226

33. The Post Office Savings Bank Pass Books, fidelity bonds and security bonds or agreements should be kept in the safe custody of the departmental authority which takes the security under Article.
(1) 289
(2) 287
(3) 285
(4) 286

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(3) 285

34. When a Govt. servant who has furnished security in one office is transferred to another office or dept., the security should be retained by the 1st office until the period specified in the security bond has expired under Article.
(1) 277
(2) 287
(3) 288
(4) 289

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(2) 287

35. The Govt. servant should submit the Application form prescribed under the Rules regulating the grant of loans to the State Govt. Servants for House Building purpose in the APFC Form:
(1) 14-B
(2) 18-B
(3) 16-A
(4) 16-B

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(4) 16-B
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