Current Affairs English April 2024 For All Competitive Exams

126) In which state/UT is “Gepang Gath Glacial Lake” located?

A) J & K
B) Ladakh
C) Uttarakhand
D) Himachal Pradesh

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D) Himachal Pradesh

127) Which company has developed “Vizhinjam” International Seaport in Kerala?

C) Adani
D) L & T

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C) Adani

128) Who has been given ASI Aryabhatta Award recently?

A) V. Somnath
B) Pavuluri Subbarao
C) Shivan
D) Satish Reddy

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B) Pavuluri Subbarao

129) Which state recently launched a website called “Book Rabta”?

A) Punjab
C) Rajasthan
D) Bihar

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A) Punjab

130) What percentage of FDI has been approved in the space sector under the new rules of 2024?

A) 49%
B) 51%
C) 81%
D) 100%

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D) 100%

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