Current Affairs English April 2024 For All Competitive Exams

196) Recently Central Election Commission has introduced “Form-M” for voting of migrant people in which of the following regions?

A) Bihar
B) assa
C) Odissa
D) Jammu & Kashmir

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D) Jammu & Kashmir

197) Barsana biogas project is located in which state?

B) Rajasthan
C) Bihar
D) Punjab

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198) Where was “Wow – LIFFT -2024” 7th World Literary Festival held recently?

A) Abuja
B) London
C) Paris
D) Agra

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A) Abuja

199) Tata company will form a joint venture with which of the following companies to set up an Automative Software & IT hub in India?

B) Audi
C) Volvo
D) Toyota

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200) Which of the following is correct about “Operation Meghdoot”?
(1).It was launched on 13 April 1984 by Indian Army and Indian Air Force.
(2). This military operation was conducted in Siachen Glacier in Ladakh.

A) 1
B) 2
C) 1,2
D) None

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C) 1,2

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