Q) Which of the following is correct?
1. Recently “lumpy skin disease” has been reported in cattle in the states of Rajasthan and Gujarat.
2. Generally lopi skin disease is caused by a virus called “Capri Pox”.
A) 1, 2 are correct
B) None
C) Only 1 is correct
D) Only 2 is ok
Q) Where will the 45th FIDE Chess Olympiad Championship be held?
A) Saint Petersburg (Russia)
B) Tashkent (Uzbekistan)
C) New York (USA)
D) New Delhi (India)
Q) Which country recently won gold medal in FIDE Chess Olympiad Championship held in India?
A) Russia
B) Norway
C) Uzbekistan
D) Ukraine
Q) Which of the following is correct about single “Crystalline Scandium Nitride – SCN” ?
1.It was recently identified/discovered by scientists working at “JNCASR”, Bangalore.
2. It converts IR light into renewable energy.
A) Only 1 is correct
B) Only 2 is correct
C) 1,2 are correct
D) None
Q) In which state is the “Mahuli Temple” which was recently in the news?
A) Uttar Pradesh
B) Gujarat
C) Maharashtra
D) Madhya Pradesh