Q) Which organization/who releases Financial Inclusion Index in India?
A) NITI Ayog
Q) Which of the following is correct about the “Pitch Black – 2022” exercise?
1. This is an Air Force exercise.
2. Along with India, 17 countries will participate in this exercise to be held in Australia.
A) 1, 2 are correct
B) None
C) Only 1 is correct
D) Only 2 is ok
Q) Who gave India’s first medal in high jump in recent Commonwealth Games?
A) Gururaj
B) Dhanush Srikanth
C) Yarram Jyoti
D) Tejasven Shankar
Q) By which of the following years will the Indian Air Force retire / decommission the MIG-21 squadrons?
A) 2026
B) 2025
C) 2030
D) 2028
Q) Who has recently been appointed as CVC – “Central Vigilance Commissioner” ?
A) Nitin Gupta
B) Rakesh Aptana
C) Pawan Kumar Saxena
D) Suresh N. Patel