151) Where was the first BIMSTEC Business Summit held recently?
A) Hyderabad
B) Bangkok
C) Khatmand
D) New Delhi
152) Recently “cNARMADA” center for research on Narmada river basin has been set up in which of the following institutions?
A) IIT Gandhinagar & IIT Indore
B) IIT Kanpur & IIT Roorkee
C) IIT Madras & IIT Bombay
D) IIT Mandi & IIT Gandhinagar
153) Which of the following countries has recently experimented with “suicide drones”?
A) Pakistan
B) Israel
C) North Korea
D) Afghanistan
154) India’s first methane-eating bacteria “Methanotrophs” were recently discovered by scientists in which state?
A) Kerala
B) Gujarat
C) Maharashtra
D) Karnataka
155) Which of the following “Monthly Radio Program” will be launched by the Central Government for the welfare of farmers and imparting modern farming methods to the farmers?
A) kisan ki bath
B) Ritu Key Bath
C) Krishi Vikas Bath
D) Jai Krishi Vikas