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Q) Copernicus Climate Change Services recently named the following year as the 5th hottest year?
A) 2021
B) 2020
C) 2019
D) 2018
Q) Which of the following is correct about red sandalwood?
1. Its scientific name is Pterocarpus Santalinus.
2. It is in the “Critically Endangered” category in the IUCN list.
A) 1
B) 2
C) 1, 2
D) None
Q) In which country is the “Gateway of hell” in the recent news?
A) Turkmenistan
B) Saudi Arabia
C) Egypt
D) Uzbekistan
Q) Has the state recently raised the age limit for government jobs from 32 to 38 years?
A) Odisha
B) West Bengal
C) Uttar Pradesh
D) Jharkhand
Q) Which of the following is correct about the recent inquiry committee set up on “Prime Minister’s Security” in Punjab?
1. A five-member inquiry committee headed by former Supreme Court judge Justice Indumalhotra was set up
2. The inquiry committee was set up by the Supreme Court
A) 1, 2
B) 1
C) 2
D) None