Current Affairs English January 2024 For All Competitive Exams

106) Which of the following is correct?
1. NAM (Non Aligned Movement) was formed in 1955 by Bandung conference.
2.Currently there are 120 member countries in NAM.

A) 1 only
B) 2 only
C) 1,2
D) None

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C) 1,2

107) Recently Divyakriti Singh was given Arjuna Award for which sport?

A) Equestrian
B) Golf
C) Archery
D) Fencing

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A) Equestrian

108) Which state recently became the “Petro Capital of India”?

A) Maharashtra
B) Gujarat
C) Assam
D) Andhra Pradesh

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B) Gujarat

109) Which of the following is correct about “Military Strength Rankings for 2024”?
1.It is released by Global Firepower company.
2. The top three countries are USA, Russia and China.
3. India Rank – 4.

A) 1,2
B) 2,3
C) 1,3
D) All

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D) All

110) Which new provision has ESI added for allotment of election symbol to RUPP(Registered Unrecognised Political Parties)?

A) Party Manifesto
B) Voter Endorsement
C) Audit Accountants
D) Voting Share

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C) Audit Accountants

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