Current Affairs English June 2024 For All Competitive Exams

36) Recently who will take charge as the 35th Foreign Secretary of India on 15th July 24th?

A) Subrahmanyam Jai Shankar
B) Vinay Mohan’s character
C) Vikram Misri
D) VS Sampath

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C) Vikram Misri

37) Recently UNCCD (United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification) announced “Land Hero” award to whom?

A) Siddhesh Sakor
B) Kailash Satyarthi
C) Ila Bhatt
D) Sriram Vedire

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A) Siddhesh Sakor

38) According to NDMA (National Disaster Response Fund), how many types of disasters are there in India at present?

A) 18
B) 12
C) 7
D) 5

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B) 12

39) Which of the following is correct from “World Investment Report”?
(1).It is issued by UNCTAD.
(2).Top 5 countries with highest FDI in 2023 – USA, China, Singapore, Hong Kong, Brazil
(3). India’s position in this is – 15

A) 1,2
B) 2,3
C) 1,3
D) All

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D) All

40) In which year NMCG(National Mission for Clean Ganga) was registered as a society under Societies Registration Act 1860?

A) 2017
B) 2011
C) 2019
D) 2022

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B) 2011

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