Current Affairs English March 2022 For All Competitive Exams

Q) Who is the author of the book “The Millenial Yogi”?

A) Sanjay Banerjee
B) Deepam Banerjee
C) Sujay Ghosh
D) Abhijit Banerjee

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Q) Who is the most recently ranked number one in the Tennis ATP Rankings?

A) Rafael Nadal
B) Novak Djokovic
C) Andy Murray
D) Daniel Midwadev

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Q) Who was the first Indian to be recently selected for the “Boltzmann Medal – 2022”?

A) K. Sivan
B) Satish Reddy
C) Deepak Dar
D) AK Mishra

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Q) Which of the following is correct about “Zero Descrimination Day”?
1. It has been celebrated every year since 2014 on March 1 every year by “UN AIDS”.
2. 2022 Theme: – “Remove laws that Harm, Create Laws that Empower”.

A) 1
B) 2
C) 1, 2
D) None

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Q) The “Maria” plane that has been in the news recently is a ——-?

A) The largest cargo plane in the world
B) The largest civilian aircraft
C) The fastest flying aircraft
D) The heaviest aircraft

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