Q) Where was the BRICS Vaccine Research & Development Center recently opened?
A) Johannesburg
B) New Delhi
C) Rio de Janeiro
D) Beijing
Q) Who is the author of the book “The Little Book of Joy”?
A) Dalai Lama
B) Archbishop Deshmund Tutu
C) Sudha Murthy
D) Dalai Lama & Archbishop Deshmund Tutu
Q) Which of the following is correct?
1. March 23rd is World Climate Day every year.
2. WMO – “World Meteorilogical Organization” is headquartered in New York.
A) 1
B) 2
C) 1, 2
D) None
Q) NeVA – Which of the following state became the first paperless assembly in the country by implementing “National e-Policy Application”?
A) Karnataka
B) Assam
C) Nagaland
D) Manipur
Q) The Government of India aims to eradicate TB within which of the following year?
A) 2025
B) 2030
C) 2035
D) 2027