Current Affairs English March 2024 For All Competitive Exams

131) PM – What is right about SURAJ portal?
(1).It was launched by the Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment
(2). Loan support will be provided to one lakh entrepreneurs from underprivileged communities through this programme.

A) 1 only
B) 2 only
C) 1,2
D) None

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C) 1,2

132) Recently there was news of “FLY – 91”. Is this a ?

A) Defense Drone
B) Missile
C) High Technical Air Bus
D) New Regional Airline

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D) New Regional Airline

133) What are the correct pairings of the judicial inquiry committees recently formed by the Telangana government on the irregularities in the Kaleswaram project and power projects?
(1).Kaleshwaram Inquiry – Pinaka Chandra Ghosh
(2).Power Project – L. Narasimha Reddy

A) 1 only
B) 2 only
C) 1,2
D) None

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C) 1,2

134) Which of the recently released Arms Importer and Exports 2019-2023 reports by SIPRI is correct?
(1). India ranks first in arms imports followed by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Ukraine and Pakistan.
(2). Top 3 countries in arms export are USA, France, Russia

A) 1 only
B) 2 only
C) 1,2
D) None

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C) 1,2

135) What is the theme of “International Day of Action for Rivers – 2024”?

A) Right to Rivers
B) Water for All
C) Rivers for All
D) River Conversation

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B) Water for All

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