Current Affairs English March 2024 For All Competitive Exams

181) Which of the following is correct about Global Climate Report-2023?
(1).It is issued by UNFCCC.
(2).According to this report, 2023 the global mean temperature of the Earth will be higher than 1.45°C (± 0.12°C) . This is the highest in the last 174 years.

A) 1 only
B) 2 only
C) 1,2
D) None

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B) 2 only

182) EX Tiger Triumph -24 Which of the following is true about exercise?
(1).It happened between India-USA.
(2).This exercise is a HADR (Humanitarian Assistance and Disaster Relief) exercise involving Indian tri-forces and USA forces.

A) 1 only
B) 2 only
C) 1,2
D) None

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C) 1,2

183) Which company developed the chat bot called “Grok”?

A) xAI
B) Open AI
C) Google
D) Microsoft

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A) xAI

184) By which of the following articles does the President appoint the Governor of a State?

A) 152
B) 153
C) 154
D) 155

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D) 155

185) Where was India’s first Ayurvedic cafe opened recently?

A) Indoor
B) Varanasi
C) Chennai
D) Delhi

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D) Delhi

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