Current Affairs English March 2024 For All Competitive Exams

261) Which of the following is true about Food Waste Index Report-2024?
(1).It was released by FAO.
(2).In 2022, about 1.05 billion tonnes of the total food produced was wasted.
(3).An average person wastes 132Kg of food.

A) 1,2
B) 2,3
C) 1,3
D) All

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B) 2,3

262) Which country launched the satellite “Yunhai3-02” recently?

A) North Korea
B) South Korea
C) Japan
D) China

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D) China

263) Who is the Director of Zoological Survey of India (ZSI)?

A) Kalai Selvi
B) Dhruti Banerjee
C) Tassie Thomas
D) Anurag Sharma

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B) Dhruti Banerjee

264) Recently scientists identified “Cicadas” as a ——–?

A) Cactus Plant
B) Sound Producing insect
C) New Covid Vaccine
D) Rocket

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B) Sound Producing insect

265) India’s first “Om-Shaped Temple” was built recently in which state?

C) Gujarat
D) Rajasthan

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D) Rajasthan

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