Q) Where was the first “Khadi Center of Excellence” set up in India?
A) Hyderabad
B) Pune
C) New Delhi
D) Ahmedabad
Q) The RBI has recently set up a committee headed by which of the following to review customer service standards?
A) Find BP
B) SS Mundra
C) Rajeshwar Rao
D) Michael Mohapatra
Q) IPEF (Indo-Pacific Economic Framework For Prosperity) was promoted by which of the following country?
B) Canada
D) Brunei
Q) On what day is “World Thyroid Awarness Day” celebrated?
A) May, 24
B) May, 25
C) May, 23
D) May, 22
Q) Which of the following is correct about “clean survey”?
1. It was launched in 2015.
2. It was initiated by the Union Ministry of Rural Development.
A) 1
B) 2
C) 1, 2
D) None