Q) The recently renamed Mahesh Nagar Holt Railway Station is in which state?
A) Gujarat
B) Madhya Pradesh
C) Punjab
D) Rajasthan
Q) Where in India will the first domestic hydrogen fuel du electric vessel be built?
A) Goa shipyard ltd
B) Mazgoan Dock
C) Cochin shipyard ltd
D) Vishakapatnam
Q) Who was recently appointed CEO of Amazon?
A) Jeff Bezos
B) Karthik Narayan
C) Andy Jesse
D) Shantanu Narayan
Q) On which day is “Ujwala Divas” celebrated?
A) May, 1st
B) May, 2nd
C) May, 3rd
D) May, 4th
Q) Who is the author of the book “Leaders, Politician, Citizen”?
A) Saibaba
B) Rajesh Verma
C) Lalit Verma
D) Rashid Kidwai