Current Affairs English May 2024 For All Competitive Exams

21) Which of the following is true about WIPO?
(1).It was started in 1967 to protect intellectual property rights.
(2).It is an intergovernmental organization
(3).The organization has 193 member countries and is headquartered in Geneva.

A) 1,2
B) 2,3
C) 1,3
D) All

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D) All

22) Which organization has recently developed space technology mission called “LOQU”?

A) IIT – Madras
B) IIT – Guwahati
C) IIT – Bombay
D) IIT – Delhi

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B) IIT – Guwahati

23) Nikhat Zareen won gold medal in which category in boxing competition held in Astana recently?

A) 48kg
B) 52kg
C) 60kg
D) 54kg

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B) 52kg

24) Gandhi Sagar Wildlife Sanctuary is located in which state?

A) Madhya Pradesh
B) Gujarat
C) Rajasthan
D) Maharashtra

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A) Madhya Pradesh

25) Which of the following are the correct pairs?
(1). Allamaye Halina – Chad
(2).Gitanas Nauseda – Lithuania

A) 1, only
B) 2, only
C) 1,2
D) None

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C) 1,2

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