Current Affairs English May 2024 For All Competitive Exams

256) Which of the following is correct regarding India’s GDP 2024?
(1).Goldman Sachs – 6.7%
(2).Moody’s – 6.1%

A) 1, only
B) 2, only
C) 1,2
D) None

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C) 1,2

257) Where was the 26th ASEAN – Indian Senior Officials’ Meeting(AISOM) held recently?

A) Singapore
B) New Delhi
C) Kuala Lumpur
D) Jakarta

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B) New Delhi

258) Which of the following is correct about “Bumbi Bucket”?
(1).It was launched in IAF Uttarakhand.
(2).It was launched by the IAF as part of a preventive measure to stop the forest fire in Nainital.

A) 1, only
B) 2, only
C) 1,2
D) None

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C) 1,2

259) Where is la Cumbre Volcano which is in the news recently?

A) Solomon Islands
B) Toga
C) Mauritius
D) Galapagos Islands

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D) Galapagos Islands

260) In which state/UT is Shinkula pass which is in news recently?

A) Uttarakhand
B) Himachal Pradesh
C) Uttar Pradesh
D) Ladakh

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B) Himachal Pradesh

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