Current Affairs English May 2024 For All Competitive Exams

266) Where was the 46th ATCM (Antarctic Treaty Consultative Meeting) held recently?

A) Geneva
B) Florida
C) Montreal
D) Kochi

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D) Kochi

267) Which are the Top – 3 steel producing countries according to World Steel Association?

A) India, Russia, China
B) China, Russia, Japan
C) USA, China, Russia
D) China, India, Japan

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D) China, India, Japan

268) “Mount Mungalo” is in news due to recent land slide. In which country is it located?

A) Papua New Guinea
B) Indonesia
C) Japan
D) Myanmar

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A) Papua New Guinea

269) (Bulava) Bulava Missile belongs to which country?

A) Russia
C) North Korea
D) China

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A) Russia

270) Which of the following is correct?
(1). ONDC (Open Network for Digital Commerce) digital platform was launched in 2021.
(2).According to the recent report given by DPIIT, more than 70 lakh transactions were registered on the ONDC platform in April 2024.

A) 1, only
B) 2, only
C) 1,2
D) None

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C) 1,2

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