96. In to how many parts the Govt. Accounts are divided in to?
(1) 2(2)
(2) 5
(3) 3
(4) (4)
97. A Major Head in classification of accounts is divided into
(1) Sub Heads
(2) Minor Heads
(3) Detailed Heads
(4) Group Sub Heads
98. Name the two divisions in Part one of the govt. accounts
(1) Revenue and Capital Account
(2) Public Debt, and Loans
(3) None of the above
(4) Both Revenue and Capital Account and Public Debt, and Loans
99. Fee is?
(1) Remuneration payable to a govt employee under govt. orders for the servicos rendered, to a RE/ quazi Govt. institution
(2) Charges payable to a govt employee for the services rendered to a pvt. firm/quazi govt institutions, in his pvt, capacity
(3) Amount payable to govt, by the pvt/quazi govt. institution, for availing the services of its personal
(4) Amount of charges payable by a govt. employee as fee for permitting him to spare his services to an outside agency
100. Honorarium is?
(1) Recurring/Non-recurring payment by the govt. to its employee for the special work discharged by him
(2) Special pay for month for a unique and spl. work
(3) Compensatory allowance
(4) Personal pay eligible