246. What causes sudden floods?
1. Dams fail or Downpours
2. Riverfront land, conditions there
3. Rainfall due to tropical cyclones
4. Lack of suitable catchment area
247. Reliability and duration of flood warnings
1. Hard to believe
2. The downstream flow decreases with increasing distance
3. Increase the distance of the downstream flow
4. With the help of LandSat technology, the assessment is easy
248. Will severe flooding in rural areas cause this?
1. To significantly increase the number of snake bite victims
2. For housing shortages in cities
3. For slight damage if the water is frozen
4. To the slightest effect on the economy of an industrialized country
249. What does risk mapping suggest?
1. Number of victims when flooding occurs
2. The severity of property damage in the event of flooding
3. 100 year flood stage
4. Details of areas covered by a flood during a given volume
250. One of the worldwide reasons for increasing the hardship of famine
1. Increase in world population
2. Globally reduced rainfall
3. Increase in human activities contributing to drought conditions
4. Decrease in water table levels
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