English Content TET Paper-2, 2014 Previous Paper Questions with answers And Complete Analysis

Q). Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions given below it.
Long ago, a king named Manunidhi Cholan had a bell installed outside his palace gates, to dispense justice.
How astonished he was, when one day, a cow pulled the cord of the bell! He learnt the truth through the eyewitnesses. His son rode a chariot over her calf killing it instantly. Manunidhi did not bat an eyelid.
The king ordered the chariot to be driven over his son!
As the entire kingdom bore witness to the sight of the young prince who was about to be crushed by the chariot, the gods themselves descended to earth, stopped Manunidhi and saved his son. The king was happy, but he was distraught at the cow's loss. Legend goes that the cow, moved by the king's righteousness, licked her dead calf back to life.

Choose the most appropriate title for this passage-

A) The Kind King
B) Manunidhi Cholan the Great
C) A Cow seeks Revenge
D) The Righteous King

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D) The Righteous King

Q). What did the king do to dispense justice?

A) He started courts of law.
B) He installed a bell at his palace gates.
C) He saw that his subjects did not have-any disputes.
D) He was a very just king.

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B) He installed a bell at his palace gates.

Q). Who was the culprit in this passage?

A) one of the courders
B) the cow's master
C) the king's son
D) one of the soldiers

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C) the king's son

Q). How did the king know about the crime?

A) Through the secret service staff
B) Through the people who saw the criminal act
C) Through his ministers
D) Through the cow

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B) Through the people who saw the criminal act

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