GENERAL ENGLISH (Qualifying Test) TGPSC Group 1 Mains 2024 Question Paper

GENERAL ENGLISH (Qualifying Test) TGPSC Group 1 Mains 2024 Question Paper

The General English (Qualifying Test) for TGPSC Group 1 Mains 2024 is designed to assess candidates’ basic proficiency in English. The test is of Class 10 standard and focuses on grammar, comprehension, and composition. It includes topics such as spotting errors, fill-in-the-blanks, sentence transformation, précis writing, and letter writing. While the exam is qualifying in nature, candidates need to pass it to proceed to the next stages of the examination. Previous years’ papers often include questions like re-arranging jumbled sentences, filling in missing prepositions, and summarizing passages.

Time: 3 Hours
Maximum Marks: 150

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(6) The Question Paper consists of 15 questions. The candidate has to answer ALL the Questions.
(7) All the Answers must be written in ENGLISH language only.
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(10) The candidate should strictly adhere to the word limit while writing answers, wherever mentioned.

1. Read the passage given below and answer the questions that follow:

A long time ago, on a big tree in the lap of the mountain, there lived a bird named Sindhuka. It was a rather special bird because its droppings turned into gold as soon as they hit the ground.

One day, a hunter came to thestree in search of prey and he saw Sindhuka’s droppings hit the ground and turn into gold. The hunter decided to catch the bird and setse trap. The bird, quite unaware of the danger, was caught in the hunters trap. The hunter shoved it in a cage happily.

But, he suddenly realised to present the bird to the king as a loyal citizen. The next day, the hunter took the bird to the king and presented it to him with great reverence. The king was delighted to receive such an unusual gift. The king’s prime minister was reluctant to accept the bird. He cautioned the king not to believe the hunter and advised him to release the bird from the cage.

After a little thought, the king ordered the bird to be released. The bird flew out on a nearby doorway and defecated. To everyone’s surprise, the dropping immediately turned into gold. The king mourned his loss.

(i) Where did the hunter find Sindhuka?
(ii) What was the special feature of the bird?
(iii) What did the hunter do after trapping Sindhuka?
(iv) Why was the king’s prime minister reluctant to accept the bird?
(v) Why did people get surprised at the end?

2. Make a precis of the following passage reducing it to one-third of its length. Suggest a suitable title.

A man may usually be known by the books he reads as well as the company he keeps. There is a companionship of books as well as men. One should always live in the best company whether it be of good books or men. In fact, books are a source of information and knowledge on a variety of subjects. A good book may be among the best of friends. It is the same today, that it always was, and it will never change even in future. It is the most patient and cheerful of companies. It does not turn its back upon us in times of adversity or distress. It always receives us with the same kindness. Book gives instructions in our youth. As a young man, you can enjoy reading books. They console us in old age. They can help us develop our creativity and imagination. Books are a record of our past cultures.

(Words: 155)

3. Expand the idea of one of the following in about 150 words:

(i) Failures are the stepping stones to success.
(ii) Cleanliness is next to Godliness,
(iii) A little learning is a dangerous thing.

4. Write a letter to the editor of a prominent Daily Newspaper highlighting the effects of Air Pollution.

5. Re-arrange the following sentences in the correct sequence and write the same as a paragraph.

(i) Years went by. The younger son began to get restless because he was unhappy with his wife.
(ii) They were living together happily.
(iii) Once upon a time, there lived a rich farmer.
(iv) He went to his father and asked for his share of the property.
(v) He had two sons.

6. 6. Rewrite the following sentences after making necessary corrections.

(i) You must understand that such a thing will not permitted again,
(ii) No one told about it me.
(iii) Circumstances obliged to resign Rahul his post,
(iv) I have to choose among these two pictures.
(v) Thomas Edison was discovered the bulb.
(vi) “Please give me five rupees,” the Beggar said the passer-by.
(vii) “What a splendid building!” the tourist says when he saw the Taj Mahal.
(viii) He said, “If Ravi approached me, I certainly help him.”
(ix) He did not went to college yesterday.
(x) Vinay was born in Purulia at West Bengal.

7. Use the following Idioms/Phrases in sentences of your own.
(i) All in all
(ii) As a matter of fact
(iii) Apple-pie order
(iv) At arm’s length
(v) Beat around the bush
(vi) Dead against
(vii) Fool’s paradise
(viii) French leave
(ix) A hard nut to crack
(x) In a nutshell

8. Write the Synonyms of the following words.

(i) Brave
(ii) Loyal
(iii) Holy
(iv) Zeal
(v) Accomplishment

9. Write the Antonyms of the following words.

(i) External
(ii) Input
(iii) Debit
(iv) Wise
(v) Strange

10. Correct the spelling of the following words:
(i) Truely
(ii) Neumonia
(iii) Begining
(iv) Marvallous
(v) Beleivable
(vi) Arguement
(vii) Couragious
(viii) Occassion
(ix) Seperate
(x) Tommorrow

11. Distinguish the meaning of the following pairs of words, using them in sentences.

(i) Fan (verb); Fan (noun)
(ii) Record (verb); Record (noun)
(iii) Building (verb); Building (noun)
(iv) Fire (verb); Fire (noun)
(v) Lift (verb); Lift (noun)
(vi) Play (verb); Play (noun)
(vii) Work (verb); Work (noun)
(viii) Sleep (verb); Sleep (noun)
(ix) Heat (verb); Heat (noun)
(x) Stitch (verb); Stitch (noun)

12. Fill in the blanks using suitable Prepositions/Conjunctions/Tenses:

(i) Rakesh stood _____ me and held my hand.
(ii) Those who aim _____ the stars, must hit the trees first.
(iii) _____ you or your elder brother has done it.
(iv) His dress is _____ fashionable _____ that of his sister.
(v) Work hard, _____ you should fail.
(vi) As you sow, _____ shall you reap.
(vii) She was studying when her mother _____ (return) home from office
(viii) Water _____ (boil) at 100 degrees Centigrade.
(ix) The train _____ (leave) before I reached the station.
(x) Priya _____ (work) hard since March 2024.

13. (a) Change the following sentences Into Passive Voice:
(i) They grow rice.
(ii) Anshika played the guitar at the party.
(iii) Can he win the race?
(iv) Inform the police.
(v) Who will look after your parents in your absence?

(b) Change the following sentences into Indirect Speech.

(i) He says, “My mother gets up at 5 in the morning.”
(ii) The doctor said to me, “You must eat healthy food.”
(iii) The doorkeeper said to him Where did you find this bundle?”
(iv) “Is the officer in the office?” the complainant said to the clerk.
(v) He said to the little boy, “Will you have a ride on the horse?”

14. Write appropriate one-word substitutes for the following:

(i) The study of rock and soil
(ii) The study of languages
(iii) One who doesn’t consume alcohol
(iv) Love for mankind
(v) Mentally identifying with other person or a thing
(vi) Study of celestial bodies
(vii) Study of religion
(viii) One who is a flatterer
(ix) One who loves his country
(x) One who believes in many Gods

15. Punctuate the following passage:

compact discs have revolutionized the music industry with their surprisingly realistic sound the six inch discs look like thin plastic sandwiches with aluminium at the centre they have digitally recorded material that is read by laser beams so the sound has none of the crackling of vinyl records.

Group 1 Mains 2024 Question Papers

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