Indian Learner’s Licence or Driving Licence Test Free Online Practice Questions with Answers RTO for All States

6. You are about to go down a steep hill. To control the speed of your vehicle you should.
A. Select low gear and use the brakes carefully
B. Select a high gear and use the brakes. carefully
C. Select a high gear and use the brakes firmly
D. Select a low gear and avoid using the brakes.

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D. Select a low gear and avoid using the brakes.

7. You are on a long, downhill slope. What should you do to help control the speed of your vehicle ?
A. Select a low gear
B. Grip the steering wheel tightly
C. Select neutral
D. Put the clutch down

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A. Select a low gear

8. What is the most common factor in causing road accidents ?
A. Driver error
B. Weather conditions
C. Road conditions .
D. Mechanical failure

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A. Driver error

9. When may you sound the horn on your vehicle ?
A. To warn other drivers of your presence
B. To give you right of way
C. To attract a friend’s attention
D. Never use horn

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A. To warn other drivers of your presence

10. When motorists flash their headlights at you it means
A. They are warning you of their presence.
B. There is a radar speed trap ahead
C. They are giving way to you
D. There is something wrong with your vehicle

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A. They are warning you of their presence.
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