96. How often should you stop on a long journey?
A. At least every two hours.
B. When you need petrol
C. At least every four hours
D. When you need to eat
97. Which should you do to help keep you alert during a long journey?
A. Make regular stops for refreshments
B. Finish your journey as fast as you can
C. Keep off the motorways and use country roads.
D. Keep your helmet visor up
98. You should NOT drive if
A. You feel tired or unwell
B. suffer from cramps
C. You suffer from fever
D. All of these
99. You should not ride too closely behind a lorry because
A. It will reduce your view ahead
B. You will breathe in the lorry’s exhaust fumes
C. wind from the lorry will slow you down
D. Drivers behind you may not be able to see you
100. You are about to reverse into a side road. A pedestrian wishes to cross behind you. You should
A. give way to the pedestrians
B. Wave to the pedestrian to stop
C. Wave to the pedestrian to cross
D. Reverse before the pedestrian starts to cross