11. Caliculus was invented and developed by whom
a) Newton
b) Bacon
c) Leibniz
d) Bhaskara-II
1) a,c
2) b,d
3) b,c
4) a,d
12. Who were the responsible for the development of probability theory and combinatorics
a) Newton
b) Fermat
c) Pascal
d) Euler
1) a,d
2) a,c
3) b,d
4) b,c
13. Which Indian Mathematician proposed that the earth is sphere in shape and it is revolving around the sun
1) Bhaskara II
2) Aryabhatta
3) Mahavira
4) Bhahmagusta
14. Ganitha sara sangraha was written by
1) Aryabhatta
2) bhaskara II
3) Mahavira
4) Varahamihara
15. The scientist who brought a status of science to Mathematics is
1) Thales
2) Pythagoras
3) Euclid
4) Fermat
nice and it is useful to those who r prepare
Thank you.