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Q). A situation for effect of force leads to a permanent change in shape of object is …
A) Stretching Rubber band
B) Squeezing sponge
C) Spring
D) Breaking glass
Q). The change in the length of a spring is …. to the applied force.
A) Indirectly proportional
B) Equal
C) Directly proportional
D) Not depends on the force
Q). Which of the following friction has self. adjusting force?
A) Sliding firction
B) Static friction
C) Rolling friction
D) Fluid friction
Q). The audible sound range of man is……
A) 10 – 10000 vibrations / sec.
B) 20 – 20000 vibrations / sec.
C) 30 – 30000 vibrations /sec.
D) 40 – 40000 vibrations / sec.
Q). The number of vibrations per second is
A) Velocity
B) Acceleration
C) Frequency
D) None
Q). Which of the foIIowing letters doesn’t suffer lateral inversion ?
A) C
B) O
C) B
D) N
Q). The material which do not allow electric current to passthrough it, is known as…..
A) Electric conductor
B) Insulator
C) Electric resistance
D) Semi conductor
Q). Which one of the following is used as a light source?
A) Cassette player
B) Electric mixer
C) Rice cooker
D) Table lamp
Q). 1 kilowatt (kw) equal to …. Watts.
A) 100
B) 500
C) 1000
D) 1500
Q). The image that can be obtained on a screen is…….
A) Virtual image
B) Real image
C) Image
D) None
Q). If all parts of a moving body move in the direction of motion, then the motion is said to be a….
A) Translatory motion
B) Rotatory motion
C) Oscillatory motion
D) None
Q). Unit of Speed in S.I. system is…
A) m/s
B) km/s
C) m/hr
D) None
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