NMMS Exam 2018 Previous Year Question Paper with Answers And Complete Analysis With Key For Practice Test Paper

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Q). In these questions there are equations that have become wrong due to incorrect order of signs. From the four alternatives given below, find out the correct order of signs, so that the equations become correct
5-2 + 7 = 17
A) +,-,=
B) x,+,=
C) x,-,=
D) +, =,-
E) )-.+,=

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B) x,+,=
Explanation: 5X2+7=17

Q). In these questions there are equations that have become wrong due to incorrect order of signs. From the four alternatives given below, find out the correct order of signs, so that the equations become correct
20+10+5 = 10
A) x, +, =
B) -, +, =
C) ÷, x, =
D) ÷, +, =
E) =, x, –

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C) ÷, x, =
Explanation: 20÷10×5=10

Q). In these questions there are equations that have become wrong due to incorrect order of signs. From the four alternatives given below, find out the correct order of signs, so that the equations become correct
A) =, ÷, –
B) x, -, ÷
C) +, =, X
D) x, +, –
E) =, ÷, –

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A) =, ÷, –
Explanation: 4=42÷7-2

Q). In these questions there are equations that have become wrong due to incorrect order of signs. From the four alternatives given below, find out the correct order of signs, so that the equations become correct
25 + 5 = 7-10
A) -,+,=
B) =,-,+
C) +,=,*
D) -,=,x
E) =,x,-

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E) =,x,-
Explanation: 25=5X7-10

Q). In these questions there are equations that have become wrong due to incorrect order of signs. From the four alternatives given below, find out the correct order of signs, so that the equations become correct
22 + 5-34 = 2
A) +,=,-
B) -,=,+
C) =,x,+
D) +,-,=
E) =,+,-

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B) -,=,+
Explanation: 22-5=34÷2

Q). In these questions there are equations that have become wrong due to incorrect order of signs. From the four alternatives given below, find out the correct order of signs, so that the equations become correct
2 = 7 + 72 x 8
A) x,-,=
B) -,+,=
C) +,=,+
D) x,=,+
E) =,+,+

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C) +,=,+
Explanation: 2+7=72+8

Q). In these questions there are equations that have become wrong due to incorrect order of signs. From the four alternatives given below, find out the correct order of signs, so that the equations become correct
52-13 = 8 + 2
A) -,+,=
B) =,+,x
C) +,=,x
D) =,x,÷
E) =,x,-

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D) =,x,÷
Explanation: 52=13X8÷2

Q). In these questions there are equations that have become wrong due to incorrect order of signs. From the four alternatives given below, find out the correct order of signs, so that the equations become correct
51 + 3 = 5-12
A) +,÷,=
B) ÷,=,+
C) -,=,x
D) -,+,=
E) =,x,+

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B) ÷,=,+
Explanation: 51÷3=5X12

Q). In these questions there are equations that have become wrong due to incorrect order of signs. From the four alternatives given below, find out the correct order of signs, so that the equations become correct
15-3 + 4 = 3
A) =, -, +
B) x, -, =
C) +, =, x
D) +, =, +
E) =, x, +

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E) =, x, +
Explanation: 15=3 X 4 + 3

Q). In these questions there are equations that have become wrong due to incorrect order of signs. From the four alternatives given below, find out the correct order of signs, so that the equations become correct
7 + 2 = 4-10
A) +,-,=
B) x,+,=
C) -;=,+
D) x,-,=
E) x,+, =

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D) x,-,=
Explanation: 7X2-4=10

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