NMMS Exam 2019 Previous Year Question Paper with Answers And Complete Analysis With Key For Practice Test Paper

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Q) Naphthalene is obtained from
A) Coal
B) Coal gas
C) Coal tar
D) None

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Explanation: C) Coal tar

Q) Spirit and petroleum turns into gas at –
A) Room temperature
B) Ignition temperature
C) Maximum temperature.
D) None

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Explanation: A) Room temperature

Q) ……… gas is released when Potassium permanganate is heated
A) Oxygen
B) Hydrogen
C) Chlorine
D) Nitrogen

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Explanation: A) Oxygen


Q) Bees wax is prepared and secreted by
A) Salivary enzyme in the bee’s crop.
B) Abdominal glands of worker bees
C) Salivary glands of worker bees.
D) Both Salivary enzyme in the bee’s crop. and Abdominal glands of worker bees

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Explanation: B) Abdominal glands of worker bees

Q) Estrogen is secreted by
A) Testis
B) Adrenal
C) Ovary
D) Liver

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Explanation: C) Ovary

Q) Tree saving and plantation movement was launched in 1950. It is known as
A) Forestry
B) Van Mahotsava
C) Indian forests
D) Van forests

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Explanation: B) Van Mahotsava

Q) The species of plant or animal which is found exclusively in particular area and is not found naturally anywhere else is known as
A) Endemic species
B) Epidemic species
C) Endomorphic species
D) Entomorphic species

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Explanation: A) Endemic species

Q) Beer and Wine are both alcoholic drinks which are produced from different sources. Select the correct statement regarding the production of each.
A) Wine is prepared by fermentation of grapes and beer is prepared from potatoes
B) Wine is prepared by fermentation of grapes and beer by fermentation of germinating barley
C) Wine is prepared by fermentation of germinating barley and beer by fermentation of grapes.
D) None of the above.

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Explanation: B) Wine is prepared by fermentation of grapes and beer by fermentation of germinating barley


A) Lactic acid 1) Tomato
B)Acetic acid 2) Lemon
C) Citric acid 3) Vinegar
D) Oxalic acid 4) Curd
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Q) Match the following.

A) Cell 1) A complete path for the flow of an electric current.
B) Switch 2) Apparatus- which can be reset by hand when the supply is interrupted
C) Circuit 3) A device which converts chemical energy into electrical energy
D) Miniature Circuit Breaker (MCB) 4) Used to open or close a circuit
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Explanation:A-3, B-4, C-1, D-2.
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