NMMS Exam 2019 Previous Year Question Paper with Answers And Complete Analysis With Key For Practice Test Paper

Q) Arrange the following words in a meaningful sequence and choose correct option from the four alternative answers.
1. Leaf,
2. Fruit,
3. Stem,
4. Root,
5. Flower
A) 3,4, 5, 1,2
B) 4,3, 1,5, 2
C) 4,1,3,5, 2
D) 4,3, 1,2,5

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B) 4,3, 1,5, 2
Explanation: Root – 4, Stem – 3, Leaf – 1, F16wer – 5, ‘ Fruit-2

Q) Arrange the following words in a meaningful sequence and choose correct option from the four alternative answers .
1. Nation,
2. Village,
3. City,
4. District,
5. State
A) 2, 4, 3, 5, 1
B) 2, 3, 4, 5, 1
C) )1,3, 5, 4, 2
D) 1,2, 3, 4, 5

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B) 2, 3, 4, 5, 1
Explanation: 2 – Village, 3 – City, 4 – District, 5 – State, ‘ 1-Nation

Q) Arrange the following words in a meaningful sequence and choose correct option from the four alternative answers.
1. Caste,
2. Family,
3. Newly married couple,
4. Clan,
5. Species.
A) 2, 3, 1, 4, 5
B) 3, 4. 5, 1, 2
C) 3,2, 1,4,5
D) 4, 5, 3, 2, 1

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C) 3,2, 1,4,5
Explanation: 3 – Newly married couple, 2 – Family, 1 – Caste, 4 – Clan, 5 – Species

Q) Arrange the following words in a meaningful sequence and choose correct option from the four alternative answers.
1. Cut,
2. Put on,
3. Mark,
4. Measure,
5. Tailor
A) 3, 1,5,4, 2
B) 2,4, 3, 1,5
C) 1,3, 2, 4, 5
D) 4, 3, 1,5, 2

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D) 4, 3, 1,5, 2
Explanation: 4 – Measure, 3 – Mark, 1 – Cut, 5 – Tailor, 2 – Put on

Q) Arrange the following words in a meaningful sequence and choose correct option from the four alternative answers.
1. House,
2. Street,
3. Room,
4. Town,
5. District
A) 3, 2, 1,4,5
B) 3, 1,4, 2, 5
C) )3, 1,2,4, 5
D) 3, 1,2,5, 4

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C) )3, 1,2,4, 5
Explanation: 3 – Room, 1 – House, 2 – Street, 4 – Town, 5 – District

Q) Find out the relationship between the first two words and choose the word from the given alternatives, which bears the same relationship to the third word as the first two bear .
Funk : Vitamins :: Curie : ?
A) Uranium
B) Radium
C) Radioactivity
D) Photography

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B) Radium
Explanation: Funk discovered Vitamins and Curie discovered Radium

Q) Find out the relationship between the first two words and choose the word from the given alternatives, which bears the same relationship to the third word as the first two bear.
Seismograph: Earthquakes: :Taseometer 😕
A) Volcanoes
B) Resistances
C) Landslides
D) Strains

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D) Strains
Explanation: Seismograph is an instrument to measure the intensity of an Earthquake. Similarly, Taseo meter is an instrument to measure Strains

Q) Find out the relationship between the first two words and choose the word from the given alternatives, which bears the same relationship to the third word as the first two bear.
USA : Congress :: Iran : ?
A) Althing
B) Storting
C) Majlis
D) Cortes

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C) Majlis
Explanation: : The parliament Of U.S.A is called Congress and Iran parliament is called Majlis.

Q) Find out the relationship between the first two words and choose the word from the given alternatives, which bears the same relationship to the third word as the first two bear.
Shark : Fish :: Lavender: ?
A) Shrub
B) Tree
C) Herd
D) Climber

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A) Shrub
Explanation: Shark is. a Fish and Lavender is a Shrub.

Q) Find out the relationship between the first two words and choose the word from the given alternatives, which bears the same relationship to the third word as the first two bear.
Wine : Grapes :: Poppy : ?
A) Opium
B) Tobacco
C) Pears
D) Pineapple

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A) Opium
Explanation: Wine obtained from Grapes whereas Poppy is obtained from Opium.
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