NMMS Exam SAT MAT Online Mock Test model question paper with answers For Scholarship Test & Previous year question paper with Complete Analysis Based on 8th standard Syllabus

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NMMS Exam SAT MAT Online Mock Test model question paper with answers For Scholarship Test & Previous year question paper with Complete Analysis Based on 8th standard Syllabus

Subject Marks
Total 180
NMMS Previous Papers
NMMS Exam 2016
NMMS Exam 2015
NMMS Exam 2014
NMMS Exam 2013
NMMS Exam 2012
NMMS Exam 2011
NMMS Exam 2010
NMMS Exam 2009
NMMS Exam 2008

NMMS Exam previous Question Papers Students can download here (SAT and MAT) for better preparation. Solving the NMMS exam question paper mock test helps in improving time management skill. In addition to this all topics are discussed here(SAT and MAT) with complete explanation. NMMS previous question papers also helps in understanding the essential topics which are frequently asked in the exams. We cover all sections(Topics) under NMMS Exam here. Here you can find how to score more in the NMMS test.

NMMS Syllabus and Exam Pattern:
NMMS exam pattern, there are two papers, namely, MAT (Mental Ability Test) and SAT (Scholastic Aptitude Test). Each paper contain 90 mcqs to be solved within 90 minutes each.

Marking Scheme Of NMMS Exam:
For each correct response: 1 mark
For each incorrect response: No Negative Marks

NMMS Exam Syllabus For Mental Ability Test (MAT):
The paper tests verbal as well as non-verbal abilities test, which requires reasoning and critical thinking skills. Some of the topics under the NMMS MAT are as follows:NMMS PRACTICE TESTS
1. Analogy
2. Classification
3. Numerical series
4. Pattern perception
5. Hidden figures

NMMS Exam Syllabus For Scholastic Ability Test (SAT):
SAT under the NMMS exam will test the subject knowledge of the candidate in three different sections including Science, Social Studies, and Mathematics. All three subjects will have the syllabus taught in class 7th and 8th.

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