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81) If 23.5% of a number is 11.75, then what is the number?
A) 50
B) 60
C) 40
D) 48
82) Eight people E. H, M, P, S. T. Y and Z are sitting in a straight line. All of them are facing North. E sits fourth from one of the extreme ends of the line. H sits third to the right of E. As many people sit to the right of H as to the left of M. Only one person sits between M and P. S sits to the immediate right of Z. Only one person sits between Z and T.How many people sit to the left of Y?
A) Two
B) Three
C) One
D) None
83) Refer to the given letter, number, symbol series and answer the question that follows.
(Left) K L % Y & 4 E 2 * 3 M & 7 S W # 8 2 H * L (Right)
If all the numbers are dropped from the series, which of the following will be eighth from the right?
A) M
B) &
C) *
D) E
84) Which of the following is the SI unit of electric charge and is equivalent to the charge contained in nearly 6 × 1018 electrons?
A) Coulomb
B) Siemens
C) Becquerel
D) Henry
85) One-seventh of a 2-digit number is 15 less than half of the number. What is the sum of the digits of the 2-digit number?
A) 8
B) 5
C) 7
D) 6