RRB NTPC CBT 2 Level 6 May-9-2022 Shift 2 Exam Previous Question Paper with Solutions

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71) A certain sum is invested on compound interest at 18% per annum for 1 year 4 months, the interest being compounded 8-monthly. If the compound interest is ₹3,816, then find the sum (in ₹).

A) 15,000
B) 14,800
C) 14,580
D) 15,500

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A) 15,000

72) Simplify the expression. 95 ÷ 15-34÷{18-4÷ (3 x 12) × 9} x 2

A) -\frac{95}{986}
B) 2\frac59
C) 5\frac13
D) 2\frac13

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D) 2\frac13

73) Study the given digit-letter-symbol sequence carefully and answer the question that follows.
(Left)5 Q + S r 8 B @ A 3 ? 6 c < Z % 6 d & G € 2(Right)
If the given sequence is written in the reverse order, then which element will be 7th to the right of the 10th element from the right end?

A) B
B) 8
C) %
D) +

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D) +

74) The Gandhi-Irwin pact was signed in __________

A) 1926
B) 1928
C) 1949
D) 1931

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D) 1931

75) From the top of the tower of 30 m height, a man is observing a kid playing on the ground at an angle of depression of 30 degrees. Find the distance between the foot of the tower and the kid. (Height of man and kid are to be ignored for calculation)

A) 53 m
B) \frac{30}{\sqrt3}m
C) 52√3 m
D) 30√3 m

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D) 30√3 m

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