RRB NTPC CBT 2 Level 6 May-9-2022 Shift 2 Exam Previous Question Paper with Solutions

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86) On the shores of the Bay of Bengal, the temple at Konark was built in the ____________

A) 10th century
B) 12th century
C) 13th century
D) 11th century

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C) 13th century

87) Renu’s marks were wrongly entered as 99 in place of 9. Due to this error, the average marks of the class were 2.25 more than the actual average. What is the number of students in the class?

A) 40
B) 36
C) 42
D) 38

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A) 40

88) Kiran got married 20 years ago. Today Kiran’s age is \frac{11}7 times of his age at the time of his marriage. What will Kiran’s age be ten years from now?

A) 55 years
B) 65 years
C) 70 years
D) 45 years

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B) 65 years

89) The FRBMA was enacted in 2003, which set targets for the government to reduce fiscal deficits. What does FRBMA stand for?

A) Fiscal Relations and Budget Maintenance Act
B) Financial Relations and Budget Management Act
C) Financial Responsibility and Budget Maintenance Act
D) Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act

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D) Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act

90) Black Soil is dominant in which of the following physical divisions of India?

A) Deccan traps
B) Indo Gangetic plains
C) Himalayan mountains
D) Thar desert

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A) Deccan traps

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