RRB NTPC CBT 2 Level 6 May-9-2022 Shift 2 Exam Previous Question Paper with Solutions

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41) Six persons A, B, C, D, E and F were engaged in a group discussion. A spoke immediately before D but immediately after B. B spoke immediately after F. If C spoke immediately after D but before E, then who among the following started the discussion?

A) F
B) D
C) E
D) B

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A) F

42) Which of the following neighbouring countries of India has the smallest area?

A) Myanmar
B) Bhutan
C) Nepal
D) Pakistan

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B) Bhutan

43) A question is given, followed by two statements labelled I and II. Identify which of the statements is/are sufficient/necessary to answer the question.
On which day does Sujatha’s birthday fall?
I. Tom correctly remembers that her birthday comes after Tuesday but before Saturday.
II. Anu correctly remembers that her birthday comes before Thursday but after Monday.

A) Statement I alone is sufficient to answer the question
B) Neither statement I nor II is sufficient to answer the question
C) Statement II alone is sufficient to answer the question
D) Both statements I and II together are sufficient to answer the question

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D) Both statements I and II together are sufficient to answer the question

44) The Rigveda is a collection of 1,028 hymns divided into _________ mandalas.

A) 7
B) 10
C) 9
D) 14

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B) 10

45) Roshni correctly remembers that Sreshta’s birthday is before Thursday but after Monday. Kalyan correctly remembers that Sreshta’s birthday is after Tuesday but before Friday. On which of the following days does Sreshta’s birthday fall?

A) Wednesday
B) Tuesday
C) Monday
D) Thursday

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A) Wednesday

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