SSC RRB BANKS IBPS Reasoning questions with answers  for all competitive exams

(26-30) : In the following questions, the symbols @, %, *, and # are used with following meaning as illustrated below:</strong> 'P * Q' means 'P is neither smaller than nor equal to Q'. 'P # Q' means 'P is not greater than Q'. 'P @Q' means 'P is neither greater than nor equal to Q'. 'P Q’ means ‘P is neither smaller than nor greater Q’.
‘P % Q’ means ‘P is not smaller than Q’.
Now in each of the following questions assuming the given statement to be true, find which of the two conclusions I and II given below them is/are definitely true?
Given answer:
a) if only conclusion I is true
b) if only conclusion II is true
c) if either conclusion I or II is true
d) if neither conclusion I nor II is true
e) if both conclusions I and II are true

26. Statements : H * R, R Y, Y % M</strong> <strong>Conclusions : I. M @ H</strong> <strong>II. H M
a) if only conclusion I is true
b) if only conclusion II is true
c) if either conclusion I or II is true
d) if neither conclusion I nor II is true
e) if both conclusions I and II are true

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d) if neither conclusion I nor II is true

27. Statements : T R, R # M, M @ N</strong> <strong>Conclusions : I. N * T</strong> <strong>II. R @ N</strong> a) if only conclusion I is true b) if only conclusion II is true c) if either conclusion I or II is true d) if neither conclusion I nor II is true e) if both conclusions I and II are true  [su_spoiler title="View Answer" style="fancy" icon="arrow"] e) if both conclusions I and II are true [/su_spoiler]  <strong>28. Statements : W % V, V # D, M * D</strong> <strong>Conclusions : I. M W
II. M @ V
a) if only conclusion I is true
b) if only conclusion II is true
c) if either conclusion I or II is true
d) if neither conclusion I nor II is true
e) if both conclusions I and II are true

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d) if neither conclusion I nor II is true

29. Statements : B # V, V M, M * Z</strong> <strong>Conclusions : I. B M
II. Z @ V
a) if only conclusion I is true
b) if only conclusion II is true
c) if either conclusion I or II is true
d) if neither conclusion I nor II is true
e) if both conclusions I and II are true

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b) if only conclusion II is true

30. Statements : K M, B # M, F * B</strong> <strong>Conclusions : I. K B
II. K * B
a) if only conclusion I is true
b) if only conclusion II is true
c) if either conclusion I or II is true
d) if neither conclusion I nor II is true
e) if both conclusions I and II are true

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d) if neither conclusion I nor II is true
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