TET Paper 1 Previous year question Paper Key with solutions 2024

71) The CEO of the company has put in his papers.
The expression “put in his papers” means:

A) applied for the post.
B) resigned from the post.
C) assumed the charge of the post.
D) been transferred to other post.

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B) resigned from the post.

72) The president has presided __ the meeting.
Choose the correct option to complete the following sentence.

A) over
B) by
C) from
D) of

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A) over

73) Choose the correctly spelt word from the given options.

A) secratary
B) secretery
C) secretry
D) secretary

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D) secretary

74) The boy seldom went to college last year, ____
Choose the correct question tag to complete the sentence.

A) didn’t he?
B) doesn’t he?
C) did he?
D) does he?

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C) did he?

75) If she had worked hard, she __ in her career.
Choose the suitable option.

A) would succeed
B) would have succeeded
C) succeed
D) will be succeeding

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B) would have succeeded

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