TET Paper 2 Free Online Mock Test

TET Paper 2 Free Online Mock Test

TS TET, AP TET Paper 2 Exam Pattern and Content

TET Paper 2 Subject No. of Questions Marks
30 30
24 24
> 6 6

24 24
6 6
a) For Mathematics and Science teachers: Mathematics(30 Q) and Science(30). 60 60
24 24
6 6
24 24
6 6
b) For Social Studies Teacher: Social Studies 60 60
48 48
12 12
c) for any other teacher:- either (a) or (b)
TOTAL 150 150
Duration of Examination: 2 hours and 30 minutes.
Usefull for TS TET, AP TET, CTET exams.

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