61. Right to Information Act is was passed ( )
A) 2015
B) 2004
C) 2003
D) 2005
62. Which one of the following is necessary for making concrete ? ( )
A) Sand
B) Kankar stones
C) Cement
D) All of these
63. ‘Panagallu’ tank is located in the district ….. ( )
A) Nalgonda
B) Warangal
C) Ranga Reddy
D) Mahaboob nagar
64. Name of the tank built by Hazrath Hussain is ………
A) Ramappa tank
B) Panagallu tank
C) Hussain Sagar
D) Osman Sagar
65. Primary Health Center is headed by
A) Mandal Health Officer
B) Thahasildhar
C) Bank Manager
D) Police Officer
Very useful
Very much useful to gurukula aspirants.