21. The first person to use micro teaching was…
1) Dwight Allen
2) CJ Dodson
3) Franke
4) Munby
22. “Writing is a more powerful instrument for shaping, guiding and controlling of thought than speech” – said by ………
1) John Munby
2) D. Byrne
3) Flower and Hayes
4) Vygotsky and Bruner
23. The animal cat (English name) is termed as ‘pili’ in Telugu, bekku in Kannada, Qitte in Arabic. From this we can presume that a language has its own system of speech sounds and words. This characteristic of language is known as ……….
1) Arbitrariness
2) Prevarication
3) Displacement
4) Redundancy
24. The correct progression in Reading is –
1) Sense Sound Symbol
2) Symbol Sense Sound
3) Sound Symbol Shape
4) Symbol Sound Sense
25. A: Could you please tell me the way to Railway Station?
B: Go on the main road for 300 yards, then turn left, go for 100 yards, you reach the Railway station.
The details given to B would serve as –
1) Extensive Listening
2) Intensive Listening
3) Casual Listening
4) Dry Listening