Q). The Constitution provides that Hindi shall be
A) The national language of India
B) The language of communication between the State Governments
C) The official language of the Union of India
D) The language of communication between the Union & State Governments
Q). Joint heirs to a property are called
A) Co-heirs
B) Coparceners
C) Successors
D) Joint owners
Q). What is the minimum permissible age according to the constitution of India for employment in any factory or mine?
A) 18 years
B) 12 years
C) 14 years
D) 21 years
Q). The right of a party to initiate an action and be heard before a Court of law is called
A) Right in rem
B) Right in personam
C) Fundamental right
D) Locus standi
Q). Which of the following is not an essential condition for becoming a citizen of India?
A) Birth
B) Acquiring property
C) Descent
D) Naturalization