TS PGLCET LLM Previous Papers Questions with Answers 2 Years 2020 with Key

Q). Which State exercises jurisdiction over vessels on the high seas?
A) All States may exercise jurisdiction over foreign vessels on the high seas
B) States may exercise jurisdiction over foreign vessels on the high seas only in cases of criminal activity that concerns them
C) The flag State is to exercise exclusive jurisdiction over its vessels on the high seas, with the exception of specific cases such as piracy
D) The flag State is the only State to exercise exclusive jurisdiction over its vessels on the high seas with no exception

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C) The flag State is to exercise exclusive jurisdiction over its vessels on the high seas, with the exception of specific cases such as piracy

Q). An agreement is a voidable contract when it is
A) Enforceable if certain conditions are fulfilled
B) Enforceable by law at the option of the aggrieved party
C) Enforceable by both the parties
D) Not enforceable at all

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B) Enforceable by law at the option of the aggrieved party

Q). An advertisement to sell a thing by auction is
A) A contract
B) An offer
C) An invitation to offer
D) No offer at all

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C) An invitation to offer

Q). A makes an offer to B on 10th by a letter which reaches B on 12th. B posts letter of acceptance on 14th which reaches A on 16th. The communication of acceptance is complete as against Aon
A) 10th
B) 12th
C) 14th
D) 16th

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C) 14th

Q). Consideration in a contract
A) Must be adequate to the promise made
B) Need not be adequate to the promise made
C) Must be of reasonable value
D) Must be of more value than the value of promise made

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B) Need not be adequate to the promise made
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