Q). Which of the following statement is correct?
A) A minor is personally liable for necessaries supplied to him
B) An agreement can be ratified by a minor on attaining the age of majority
C) If a minor has received any benefit under a void agreement, he can be asked to compensate or pay for it
D) If a minor, by misrepresenting his age, borrows some money, he cannot be sued for fraud
Q). The case of Cundy v. Lindsay deals with
A) Coercion
B) Undue influence
C) Mistake as regards identity
D) Mistake as to the nature of transaction
Q). The unlawful detention of any property of a person to obtain his consent to a contract amounts to
A) Coercion
B) Fraud
C) Undue influence
D) Misrepresentation
Q). The case of Nordenfelt v. Maxim Nordenfelt Gun Co., deals with
A) Agreements in restraint of trade
B) Agreements in restraint of marriage
C) Agreements in restraint of legal proceedings
D) Agreements in restraint of parental rights
Q). Which of the following statement is not correct?
A) An agreement is not a wager if either of the parties may win but cannot lose or may lose but cannot win
B) A contract of insurance is a wagering agreement
C) When a contract becomes void, the party who has received any benefit under it must restore it to the other party
D) A voidable contract becomes void when the party whose consent is not free rescinds the contract