Q). Which of the following are classified as ‘legal material sources’ by Salmond?
A) Equity and Morality
B) Equity and Juristic opinion
C) Custom, Precedent and Legislation
D) Custom, Precedent, Legislation and Equity
Q). Identify the pair of jural correlatives from the following:
A) Right – Liberty
B) Liberty – No right
C) Duty – Liberty
D) Right – No right
Q). ‘Right to claim damages for defamation is a
A) Right in rem
B) Negative right
C) Primary right
D) Right in personam
Q). “Ownership denotes the relation between a person and an object forming the subject matter of his ownership.” Who said this?
A) Dias
B) Paton
C) Pollock
D) Salmond
Q). A sells B a bureau, which, unknown to both, contains jewels in a secret drawer. Who has possession’of jewels?
A) A
B) B
C) Either A or B
D) Neither A nor B